Tuesday 16 March 2010

Week 6

This week’s lecture was about Virtual Worlds a topic which I had never heard of before. This topic was very interesting because it was very different from anything I had done before. It was amazing to see how many companies use Virtual media to promote their products and their company. Another thing which was very amazing was to see the statistics of the number of people that logged into second life in the last seven days and how serious some people take second life as Margaret told us that many people spend a lot of money on second life.

In the lab we had to go into second life and create an account and then we could style our own avatar which sounded like a fun lab exercise. However I could not log on and create my own account therefore I had to watch somebody else designing their avatar which was not very exciting because her computer was very slow and the avatar would not do anything. For this reason I went home and downloaded the icon and then opened my account. Once I designed my avatar I visited the real world businesses within second life such as Dell, IBM and Calvin Klein they were all very well designed.

This week’s lecture was the best from all of the lectures we have had so far in this module. I feel that both of the lecturers are very good in presenting the lecture because both of them give lots of examples on the topic which makes it easier to understand the topic and makes it more fun as well. I feel that because we had a chance to go into second life and understand how to use it was a very useful skill to have because this could be a quality that an employer is looking to have in their staff so if we know more about it we are more likely to get recruited. However I would not want to do a future career which involved designing on second life because it seems both technical and difficult to do.

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