Tuesday 2 March 2010

Week 4

This weeks lecture was about social media such as podcasting and bookmarking. from the lecture I learnt many things which I did not know becuase the only thing I really knew about was podcasting this was mainly because of my IRM lecturer using the podcasting technique to sumarise the lectures This weeks lecture gave us an outline of many websites which we can use now or in the future to share media files and also discussed how many people actually use these websites.

However I felt that this weeks lab was not of great use because we mainly just browsed the recommended websites which did not really help me much because it did not actually involve any practical work. For this reason in my future career if I had to do any of the things discussed in the lecture I would actually not know how to do them. I have understood the theory but prcatically have not understood anything.

This weeks e activity was just adding on to the wiki which we designed last week. I feel that so far in the module wikis and blogging is the only real thing I know completely as we have done practical work and also discussed the theory behind it therefore if I was to do any of these two things in my future career I would have no problem.

Doing the e-activity on wikis actually surprised me because when I was researching I actuaaly realised how many people actually use it including companies and individuals. It is a good way to contribute your thoughts and suggestions on a topic with other followers.

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