Tuesday 9 March 2010

Week 5

This week’s lecture was on Social Networking which I found very interesting because social networking is a thing which is growing rapidly. Many people use it, some for business reasons and some for personal life therefore it is amazing to see the rise in the number of people that use facebook now from previous years. Learning about various different social networking sites is a good skill to have because employers will want to take on employees who can use these sites to either promote products or improve communication throughout the business. I already knew about most of the network sites discussed in the lecture but one that I did not know about was LinkedIn which is a business site where companies can advertise products and promote themselves. When I visited this site I found it very interesting as many companies had used it in different ways.

In the seminar this week we had a look at social networking sites and then were put into separate groups to undertake an e-activity. This e-activity involved choosing a social networking site which you felt would best promote a company given in the case study. As a team we decided to present our presentation in Google Docs as this would allow us all to contribute our parts into the presentation. Understanding what Google Docs is all about is useful because it can help teams to work individually but also together as there is no real need to meet one another or put the burden on one person to complete the presentation.
This e-activity in a way will help to improve our team working skills for our future careers also it will allow us to build on our communication skills as we were put into teams with people we had not spoken to before.

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