Thursday 18 February 2010

Week 3

This weeks lecture was easy because we have discussed wikis at college before therefore I could understand it more. The Lab was easy aswell because we created our own wiki and invited members to join so that we could weekly update our wiki by contributing to the activities.

Week 2 Seminar

Week two's seminar was very easy because it was just a simple task of creating a blog which has to be updated weekly. This in a way is a good log for the module as it keeps thoughts up to date. However i found this week's e-activity slightly harder because it was closely analysing professional blogs and describing their blogs in good and bad points. I chose to do Dell because i felt that it was more professionally done as they take their blogging very seriously.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Week 2

I find this module very interesting because it relates to my HND course at college and therefore I enjoy it more than any of my other modules in semester B. Today's lecture was interesting because it made me realise how many people actually blog not just for business reasons but for personal experiences aswell. Margaret showed us many examples of blogs and some were very good but some were not very attractive.